What’s New in Transferology Lab?

Transferology Lab 1.9.6

July 16, 2024
  • Improvements to the process for assigning tuition and fee values into categories will keep data better up to date and allow for the monitoring of tuition changes over time.
  • The maximum length of the notes users can select when reviewing Match results has been expanded to 1,108 characters to match the maximum length of the Public Note field in TES.
  • Updates to third-party libraries (Bootstrap, Hibernate, and Spring).
  • Advise Students and Recruit Students:
    • The Information Request Email contact will receive a monthly email alerting the institution to any student information requests submitted within the previous month that have not been archived.
    • Additionally, within Advise Students, export options now appear in a pop-up modal like within Recruit Students. Users can enter/change the file name, select whether to export filtered or all results, and choose a file type (CSV or JSON).
  • Check Transfer Rules:
    • Functionality within this page has been streamlined to have a clearer focus on helping Transfer Specialists see how Match results can be improved. Users can see the percentage of courses within each transfer institution’s most recent catalog edition with a current equivalency. Users can review this data at the Department level and send unevaluated courses for review via TES Mode.
  • Course Bundles:
    • Users can now update the title of a manually added course within a bundle.
    • Replacement and Collaborative Replacement Bundles can now be exported to a .CSV or .JSON file.
  • Institution and State/System Landing Pages:
    • Institutions and states/systems can add a landing page description and keywords to help students and other stakeholders find the Transferology landing page when querying Google and other search engines.
    • Thumbnail images can be added to landing pages.
    • Alt text can be added to landing pages' logo, header, and thumbnail images. Screen readers use this text to describe images to users.
    • Within institution landing pages, schools can configure the border color for infographics.
  • Pathway Management:
    • Users can search for a partner school using Alias Tags.
  • Popular Courses:
    • Users can export the current page and filtered results to a .CSV file.
  • School Management:
    • New fields have been added to Profile Preview to allow institutions to share the school’s average grant/scholarship amount and graduate school costs with students via the School Profile. Institutions can also display an additional tuition type (such as a technology fee) through a customized field.
  • TES Related Integrations:
    • When submitting a course-level or department-wide change, users can select the back button to return to the previous page instead of starting over.
    • Requests marked as resolved in error can be returned to active status.
    • When viewing evaluations that resulted in equivalencies, users can see the Begin Date, End Date, and Public Note fields from TES. A new configuration within the General Information tab of School Management called Role who can view Private Notes will control what Lab users can see the TES Private Note.
    • To help better facilitate the assignment of evaluation tasks and to align with TES, evaluator job titles from the User Management page in TES will appear to the right of the user’s name within the Assign these requests to drop down in the Lab.
  • Accessibility improvements.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Transferology Lab

November 14, 2023
  • Institution and state/system landing page:
    • School Admins can now create a customized Transferology landing page to help better acquaint students with the college or university.
    • States and systems can create a customized Transferology landing page to highlight its schools.
    • When students visit Transferology via the school, state, or system’s unique referral link or badge, students will see information tailored specifically to that school or the state/system institutions.
    • Multiple customization options are available, including matching select header text, background colors, buttons, icons, and borders to school colors.
  • Integration of Course Tags from TES®:
    • Course Tags for home courses used within equivalencies supplied from TES will now appear within rules within the Transfer Equivalencies page as Alternates.
    • Transfer Specialists can create Glossary Messages to explain the meaning of Course Tags. If a Glossary Message has been created, the message is available to students and staff within Match Details and to staff within the Transfer Equivalencies page.
    • Transfer Specialists and Program Admins can add Course Tags to Requirement Categories.
    • Students and staff will be able to locate courses fulfilling the Requirement Category when searching to find a replacement course.
  • The Catalog Change Request functionality in the Rule Management menu has been renamed "TES Catalog Change Requests."

Transferology Lab 1.9.5

September 12, 2023
  • Audit Setup: School Admins can now set the default grade for non-military and non-exam courses for use in degree audits.
  • Catalog Request Change: Lab users can request the review of course catalog data when there is a discrepency between how data appears in Transferology and on a student transcript.
  • Course Bundles
    • Collaborative Transfer and Replacement Bundles: Lab users can now work together to create Course Bundles. Users at an institution can view, edit, and/or delete a co-managed bundle. Collaborators can also view an activity log of actions performed.
    • Users can now export Transfer Bundles as a CSV or JSON file.
  • School Profile
    • The Pathways To button is now located towards the far-right corner of the profile to align with its placement in Transferology.
    • The T-Rex tab, viewable to School Admins at institutions using the Transfer Rule Extractor, is now called “API Access.”
  • Replacement Courses: Users can now search for Matches to any courses carrying a specific alt course or iflg instead of having to select a course.
  • Multiple areas:
    • Information from the Recruit Students page and the Student Profile can now be exported as a JSON file for use within a Student Information System or Customer Relationship Management solution.
    • The SAT scores submitted to audit requests have been updated from 920 to 1050 to align more closely with the national average.
    • New Match result filter options:
      • When sorting by tuition & fees, users can select "up to $ $ $ $ $" or "Any tuition & fee amount" to include all tuition ranges in results.
      • When sorting by population, users can select "up to Max" or "Any undergrads" to include all population sizes in the results.
  • TES Mode: When on the TES Mode tab, users with the TES Evaluator role will now see the term the course was taken in addition to the year.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes and security enhancements.
  • Accessibility improvements.
  • Schools can define aliases/nicknames to help students find them
  • External Link pathways- schools can link to a pathway on their website, rather than uploading a PDF document
  • Bundles created using a student's coursework will now have the student's name in the title
  • Accessibility improvements.
  • Security updates
  • Transferology Lab 1.9.3

    May 17, 2022
    • Passwords will expire after one year, bringing Transferology Lab and TES’ password expiration policies into alignment.
    • Users will receive an email alert when a Course Bundle is shared with them. There is also an option to now share course bundles with multiple or all lab users.
    • Improved export capabilities within Transfer Equivalencies; users can now choose between exporting all an institution’s equivalencies or just those on the current page they are viewing.
    • Users can now connect multiple institution codes to one linked school. This will enable students at institutions with multiple campuses to better find Match results.
    • The Undergraduate certificate award option within Profile View has been relabeled as Undergraduate certificates/diplomas.
    • Library & security updates

    Transferology Lab 1.9.2

    October 27, 2020
    • Accessibility Issues:
      • Color Contrast
      • Keyboard Accessibility
      • Screen reader (labels and ARIA text)
      • NVDA Reading hints
      • Skip links
    • Others
      • Table Sorting by column (Course Bundles, Recruit/Advise Students and Users tab)
      • Export source schools and their equivalency count as a CSV file
      • Export equivalencies details for a specific send school
      • Manage Source Schools, display extra school information

    Transferology Lab 1.9.1

    May 27, 2020
    • Target glossary messages can now be defined as "exact match only" or contains. The new "exact match only" provides greater control over the equivalencies to which it applies.

    Transferology Lab 1.9

    November 12, 2019
    • New Monthly Stats report:
      • Page-sized summaries of student and Lab user activity for the previous month.
      • Emails will be sent to users chosen by the school.
      • All Lab users will be able to view the summary within the Lab.
    • Schools can now designate programs as being offered "On Campus", "Online", or both.
    • Users can filter transfer search results by program name and offering type.
    • Changes on transfer path "Misses" tab:
      • Partially matched rules and "does not transfer" rules are now shown in separate sections, with appropriate explanatory text.
      • Course descriptions (from TES catalogs) are shown for most of the untaken courses in partially matched rules.
      • Glossary messages will be shown for "does not transfer" rules, when available.
    • New filter for Transfer Equivalencies page: only show rules for current and future terms.
    • New page: Program Pathways. Allows all Lab users to view approved pathways between any two schools.
    • "Find a Replacement Course" now allows users to add courses up to one year in the future.
    • Advisors and recruiters are now able to export student courses to a file.
    • New "Delete All" button to remove all courses from a school in a transfer bundle.
    • Courses descriptions (from TES catalogs) are shown for most source courses on the replacement course search results.
    • Miscellaneous bug fixes & enhancements.
    • Accessibility improvements.

    Transferology Lab 1.8.1

    November 13, 2018
    • Opt out checkbox on Lab user profile.
    • Allow uAchieve HTM degree audit report’s course links to display TES course descriptions.
    • Miscellaneous bug fixes & enhancements.
    • Accessibility improvements.

    Transferology Lab 1.8

    May 1, 2018
    • Search index fixes and improvements.
    • Equivalencies provided for the last 40 years.
    • Popular Courses indicates when your school has a current transfer rule for a course.
    • Create TES Evaluations from Popular Courses.
    • System automatically checks transfer rule validation after equivalency reloads.
    • Use source department aliases for better alignment with source/sending school course catalogs.
    • Provides HTM and PDF degree audit reports for uAchieve schools.
    • Export all or filtered results on pages with export.
    • Miscellaneous bug fixes & enhancements.
    • Accessibility improvements.

    Transferology Lab 1.7

    August 8, 2017
    • Allow school to provide their Transfer Pathways (i.e. transfer agreements) to students.
    • New ‘Limited’ school subscription type for sending institutions view-only access.
    • Improved school referral display, in match results.
    • Allow school to define custom links outside of the standard links (transfer information, admissions,...).
    • Identify additional school awards (i.e., Master’s, Doctoral).
    • View multiple campus locations (if applicable).
    • Include Misses in Student’s request for information.
    • Course titles can contain 80 characters.
    • View standardized exam titles on match results.
    • View additional student statistics.
    • View Lab user usage statistics.
    • ‘Keep me logged-in’ option on the login page.
    • Accessibility improvements.

    Transferology Lab 1.6.2

    February 28, 2017
    • Branding updates.
    • School can define Requirement Categories for DARwin/uAchieve (iflag and acourses) and TES (user added courses)
    • Allow user to find Replacement Courses by Requirement Categories.
    • View equivalency from TES Evaluation request after the equivalency in Transferology.
    • School can allow/deny whether Lab user can choose the assignee for TES Evaluation requests.
    • Match details page has Expand/Collapse all notes link to display/hide all notes for a school.
    • Miscellaneous bug fixes & enhancements.
    • Accessibility improvements.

    Transferology Lab 1.6

    September 13, 2016
    • User Management integration- Lab users who also use TES or CollegeSource Online (CSO) will now use the same password for all three applications.
    • Ability to share Course Bundles with other users from the same school.
    • Enhanced Unknown Equivalencies page- additional filtering and ability to mark courses as Reviewed.
    • Ability to view a program’s degree type (Bachelor’s, Associate’s, etc) on pages throughout the Lab.
    • Miscellaneous bug fixes & enhancements.
    • Accessibility improvements.

    Transferology Lab 1.5

    May 2, 2016
    • TES Evaluation Integration Features:
      • Lab users assigned to the new TES Evaluator role may create and send evaluation tasks to TES. Using this new role, Transferology administrators can determine who has access to the feature and exercise some control over the quantity of TES evaluation requests stemming from Transferology.
      • Tasks may be created from courses appearing in the unknown equivalency report as well as from match results. The idea is to help users target the courses from other institutions for which students most want transfer answers.
      • Any Lab user may view the progress of evaluation requests. While the evaluation activity is actually performed in TES, it is viewable in both the Transferology Lab and in TES.
    • Added ability for those schools not using audits to be able to add unique URLs for each of their programs
    • Standardized button colors in the Transferology Lab
    • Find Replacements now uses the index instead of SQL queries
    • Equivalencies for several American Territories are now shown in the Lab
    • Relaxed the strictness of Program file import validation
    • Added date range to Pending Audit Requests page
    • Standardized the UI on the Check Transfer Rules page
    • URL validation
    • Numerous accessibility improvements

    Transferology Lab 1.4.1

    January 11, 2016
    • Improvements in sorting, filtering data and keyboard accessibility.
    • Miscellaneous bugs & enhancements.

    Transferology Lab 1.4

    August 24, 2015
    • A new landing page explains the features of the Lab.
    • New menu items and navigation links are incorporated into the Lab.
    • New troubleshooting information is available for pending degree audits.
    • School Administrators and Program Administrators can manage their school’s Year Term Conversions, Degree Programs, and Program Questions/Answers.

    Transferology Lab 1.3.1

    February 23, 2015
    • All users can now copy a course bundle to assist creating a bundle with several common courses.
    • Schools with TES rules (administered or imported) correctly show OR rules in the “Will my Courses Transfer” area; this is also applicable to those students at TES schools who work in the Transferology application.
    • A new Help menu item for accessing the Lab’s support documents is now available between the My Stuff and Logout menus.
    • A Full/Partial credit message is now shown in Lab equivalencies.
    • A new auto archive option is provided for a school’s recruit and advise requests.
    • Added Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) voting to help order most relevant topics.

    Transferology Lab 1.3

    January 6, 2015
    • Incorporation of the blue path for replacement courses in the Lab is new functionality introduced with this release.
    • The updated look of the Manage Course Bundles area now incorporates tabs analogous to the blue “Find a Replacement Course” and green “Will My Courses Transfer?” paths already present in the Transferology student application. New tabs include “Replacement” and “Transfer,” respectively.
    • School administrators working in “Edit Mode” will see expanded access to customize information appearing on their School Profile page.
    • The Profile Preview tab, “About” section, and “Information Links” are now completely configurable.
    • A new Contact Emails tab allows administrators to manage how contact emails and request emails are routed within their institution.
    • Transfer Specialists may use the new Glossary Messages page to create, edit, and delete Glossary Messages. When configured, these helpful messages will appear on the Match Details page in the Transferology application for students. Message types include Alternate Course, DPMask, IFlag, and Target Course.

    Transferology Lab 1.2

    October 14, 2014
    • Staff can now access the new Replacement Course statistics.
    • The Unknown Equivalencies page now displays Year and Month on the details pop-up instead of Year and Term.
    • When submitting a Program Request (audit), the “Do you want to view how courses from another school might apply to this program?” prompt will only display for schools running DARwin 3.5.x or uAchieve 4.2.x.
    • Users will receive a new Account Expired message when subscription is flagged as expired during authentication.
    • The Transferology Home page contains a new menu bar, including a College Employees tab that allows staff direct access to the Transferology Lab.
    • Improvements to the mobile platform and accessibility features.

    Transferology Lab 1.1

    August 18, 2014
    • Staff have additional functionality to identify possible new equivalencies for their school, which will prove particularly useful for Transfer Specialists.
      • Transfer Specialists may use the new Popular Courses feature to view which courses students are adding into Transferology and use this information to increase matching.
      • Transfer Specialists may use the new Unknown Equivalencies feature to identify “unknown” equivalencies with unclear articulation rules and allow for more proactive rule building.
    • Several mobile device improvements have been implemented, along with enhancements to keyboard navigation and spoken word accessibility.

    Transferology Lab 1.0

    March 31, 2014
    • The Transferology Lab replaces u.select school tools for staff, where you can manage bundles of courses and view equivalencies with a cleaner, more modern user experience.
    • The Will My Courses Transfer? feature allows staff to add coursework to see how many schools in the Transferology network have matching courses that may be awarded upon transfer. Schools are ranked by the percentage of courses they accept, and results can be filtered or sorted by distance, undergraduate population, tuition & fees, and more. Match details discern between courses that transfer, courses that do not transfer, and courses that have not yet been evaluated by the school.
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